Wild yam, chaste berry and marshmallow root all work to level out and balance hormones. This is not a "slather all over your body" tallow, this is to be used sparingly on specific body parts twice daily for optimum results. This is an all-natural product with no preservatives. Store in a cool, dry environment. Do not introduce moisture with your hands or utensils when using and only use clean hands or utensils. Tallow (specifically grass-fed tallow) just happens to be one of the best things to use on human skin because of its similarity to sebum (because it's compatible, it can soak deeper into the skin's layers). It has high levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It's one of the highest sources of a VERY essential fatty acid called CLA and it's great for most skin types: dry, oily, combination, mature, sensitive, super-duper sensitive.